It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, December 12, 2014

Seaworld second incident

We were at the kiddie pool and we had some drinks and the kids were splashing in the water. I was having a good time ....until....
The hits always hurt much more emotionally than they do physically. Physically the bruises and broken skin heal much the emotional damage that it causes is a long time to heal. It is hard to take that the man you love and devoted yourself to wants to hurt you. In my case he was building resentment for me because of his mistress. I was in the way of them and instead of a loving wife and mother I was an inhibitor to them being exclusive.
I dropped a drip of my drink on his leg and I playfully bent over to lick it off. He uppercut me in the nose and mouth. It hurt bad stung and then numb for a short time until it really started throbbing. I knew it would hurt in the morning. He did it in front of all the other parents at the pool. They didn't like him much but I hate those looks of pity I don't want to be pitiful. I want to be strong and demand respect in a cool manner. That's not where I was then.
That's when you know they are in love with their mistress when they don't want you touching them in any way shape or form.
This same month he pushed me out of our bed by my face straight to the floor. Of course it was still the emotional pain that hurts more. It was shortly after this that I was serious about divorce.
All of sudden he didn't want the divorce he wanted to eat his cake and have it too.

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