Sunday, February 2, 2020

Trackers in new device

I was given one of these devices by a foreign agent when I went to the Veterans round up event last November. I was told to get rid of it ditch it. I was told this over and over again. It is not nearly as loud as I thought it would be. It sounds like a car alarm and everyone now a days hears those so often they don't even respond or pay attention so why would anyone pay attention to this thing? That is not why the these ads are trying to coerce people into carrying them.

I do not fully understand the details between this product just yet but I can tell you that investigators and my guardian angel told me to ditch it fast. It has to be a tracker they have put several trackers on me in the past and there is no reason for me to believe this was not just another tracker.

They use to use shoes for tracking and the last week of January they put yet another pair of shoes in my path. There was a haven for hope resident in the mall he had a pair of nikes in his hand that were brand new and he threw them in the garbage. I picked them up to look at them seeing if they fit. They did not fit and even if they had I know better than to keep shoes put in my path. I gave them to a homeless man, knowing they would track his movement. This is a comical thing to watch officers and civilian clothed agents are walking in circles looking for me because the tracker says I am there. I have watched them time and time again walking in circles looking for the woman that fits my description. I have had a lot of fun with these things. I took one of their trackers and put it in a Westin Hotel and they had security scouring the building looking for me. I wasn't there. Then one particular day on San Pedro I was in an auto when they thought I was on foot. All the officers were doing donuts and u-turns trying to find me because I was suppose to be on foot.
One other tracker I left at a AT&T building hoping investigating agents grabbed the evidence for a court of law I didn't stick around so I don't know.
On that particular day I was trying to get rid of everything that was a potentiate tracker. They use to play the reward game with me. When I would do something good, productive, favorable, they would leave a present in my path a reward. I got rid of these rewards wondering if they may have trackers in them. I needed those items too like reading glasses but I just couldn't risk it.

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