Monday, February 3, 2020

Obama Care lies

Clearly I am not the only person in the US that is being Gas Lighted look at these people talk about Obama care as if it is the savior. They are talking about Obama care as if they are getting free insurance. How were they brain washed so badly? This is not free insurance that is Medicaid and medicare.
I was working selling health insurance when Obama care went into effect. Coincidentally I was working for a foreign agent company. I was able to sell insurance policies that were zero dollar monthly premium. When Obama care went into effect those plans disappeared. The premiums of all plans sky rocketed. I searched and searched they were so outrageous and I was serving retirees they couldn't afford the outrageous charges. Obama care forces people to pay these outrageous charges they can't afford many people opt. to pay the IRS penalty because it is cheaper than paying those outrageous monthly premiums that don't even cover the costs of their care. This is communism. 

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