It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Kimberly Pompa one of the many who has been helping Congressman Castro

Kimberly Pompa is a woman whom I thought was a friend I realized she was talking to congressman Castro via Facebook when I stayed with her last year. I cut ties with Kimberly and never spoke to her again when I witnessed her beating on her husbands head with a shoe.
This morning Kimberly mysteriously obtained my phone number and she called repetitively leaving voice mails that made no sense at all. She then sent several text messages and in those messages she was threatening to do me bodily harm. She went on and on about her ex-husband a man I know nothing about and do not speak to. She said something about selling children. This woman has made it very clear she is mentally unstable and I have been forced to file police reports to protect myself from her.
I believe it was Joaquin Castro who gave her my phone number, that truth will not be known until the proper authorities collect all of his Facebook and text messages that will reveal his actual block of instruction to Kimberly Pompa.
In the photos below you can see the rantings of a mad woman....the phone she is referring to I never had possession of she kept claiming that I had it since Oct. of the last year.
That was the same month she was corresponding with Joaquin Castro who instructed her to leave me in Devine Texas, she did so and I was forced to walk back to San Antonio Texas.
All of this nonsense of her husband and going anywhere near her family is exactly that nonsense.
She uses as drug called ICE is this the result of the use of this drug? I really would rather not know or be forced to analyze the situation but apparently Congressman Castro wants this on my doorstep.



  1. On March 3rd downtown a woman dye her body was found I'm Flores across from an apartment complex but when he did he made sure to mention that she was homeless well apparently that means the murder is okay and expected because she's homeless now for me this hit home because I too was homeless I too was out there and why was I out there because Chief McManus himself put me out there I lost my home my possessions Auto job credit score etc etc so it could have very well could have been me that was the victim of that crime the following evening there was another body floating in the river starting to look like the homeless people in being killed by a serial killer. You can bet Chief McManus didn't put anybody on finding out who did it or to investigate these crimes seriously considering the statement that he made well she was homeless as if that makes it okay. But the man never misses an opportunity for a photoshoot and speaking to the media
    Just like when he let the immigrants go and stepped on the feet of the people who were supposed to be doing them vestigation for the immigrants speaks volumes about his character and how he enjoys breaking laws and has no ethics or moral.
    The bombings occurred in Austin Texas several bombs sure everybody knows about that he made sure he had a photoshoot opportunity and a chance to talk to the media and what did he say that there was a bomb in San Antonio of course there wasn't one created and mass hysteria people paranoid and when push came to shove there was no bomb insanity spoke spoke you miss speak on a daily basis at least this time you're actually owning it and admitting it now why would anybody have any respect for you and why would anybody trust you with the safety of this city when in an effort to have another photoshoot in an opportunity to speak to the media bomb that doesn't exist I personally have no respect for you of course now let me go ahead and make it plain and illustrate the fact that when we go to a court of law and we're in front of a judge and jury cheapest McManus has painted a picture of a man who cannot be respected or trusted you should not be in a sortie of securing the safe he's done this to himself and I'm sure a judge and jury will see that he is unfit and unqualified for the job.
    I would like to take this time to thank Chief McManus for making my case against him and the city of San Antonio that much more solid that much more open and shut you sealed your own Doom I did nothing at all except try to survive

  2. November 2016 I went to the FBI on November 4th I was frustrated and distraught after police officers had been following me taunting and terrorizing me on October 3rd when I called to the non-emergency line was made because I had somebody sitting out side of the place where I resided the non-emergency called disappeared the officer that pulled that person over all the information of that incident disappeared the officer that responded to the non-emergency call his information disappeared in the fact that he responded to the call disappeared I took all this information to the FBI the FBI gave me a list of things that they needed me to get them so they can begin their investigation to make their investigation of success so I began compiling my list I can contact a private investigator named Tom where Tom was helping me with my case he collected all of my information documents emails after he did two weeks of investigating for me and helped me out a lot Tom became very nervous he knew that all of my electronics and all of my accounts were being hacked he knew that all of the telephones that I had owned and that was 12 had been hacked into another he stepped back because he didn't want to become a victim too and in my case that's exactly what happened to anybody who I bring into my world who I connect to or who I ask for help also become victims as well. In my frustration I talked to a fellow veteran somebody I had served with and went to 91 Charlie school with that individual now works at the Pentagon I told him exactly what was happening to me I told him they were hacking into my phones and I I couldn't do simple things like pay my bills or do my taxes I told him how I had gone to every government agency for health I told him how I was trying to save my children from a Monster who have been removed from our home by CPS my comrade my friend never tipped me off that he was actually helping me quite in fact he told me he couldn't of course this frustrates me and upset me but I finally came to the conclusion that he did in fact help me.

  3. Repetitively over and over again Congressman Castro has demonstrated how willingly he is to protect his minions and to make sure they're not in trouble for the laws that he has asked them to break. I find it interesting that he is so willing to protect these criminals and these people who have no moral compass is an array of drug addicts and sex offenders. But when it comes to his wife and the fact that he has asked her to commit felonies and the woman has become guilty of violating every journalistic ethics that's in the book none of us are seeing him try to protect her from being held accountable for the crimes that she has committed now although your standard wedding vows don't include protecting your loved one to have to hold to cherish and love somewhere in there I'm sure that all of us can agree asking your loved one to commit felonies is not loving and cherishing that person it most definitely is not demonstrating respect for that person. And although I'm sure Congressman Castro will be confronted by his brother secretary Castro about this secretary Castro isn't any better because he is instructed his wife to contact all members of the mayor's office telling them not to pay attention to my emails not to deliver those emails to the mayor and most certainly to not help me in my matter. This is called collusion and obstruction of justice so just as congressman Castro is guilty of putting his wife In Harm's Way and causing her to be guilty of many felonies secretary Castro is guilty of the exact same thing these two men are not exactly opposites are they the ugliest parts of them they have in common

  4. Enrique Morquecho (pepi) yellow cab 338 8631 fairhaven st 8813 78229
    This was a person who I thought was a friend I stayed with him for a short spell Congressman Castro then contacted him and asked him to do various things to me or against me as a favor to Congressman Castro. For example Congressman Castro asked Enrique if he would take me to Mexico and leave me there I did not have a Social Security card or birth certificate and I have never had a passport in my life. If I had been taken into Mexico I would have never been able to get out again he was well aware of this and Congressman Castro was also well aware of this. While I stayed with my not friend he was told things like keep her in the apartment keep her away from computers keep her away from City Hall make sure she's unable to talk to the FBI or attorneys. He complied with Congressman Castro and was having several conversations via text message Facebook and phone calls pause. Congressman Castro had called my not friend one day and he was very upset screaming and yelling and swearing mixing Tex-Mex and English during this phone conversation. Because he talks so very loudly I could hear every word of the conversation apparently Congressman Castro considers me to be a puta. However in my defense I feel that I am so much more than that isn't it amazing as he attacks me I defend myself stick up for myself filing police reports and official complaints with several government agencies and that makes me a puta. This dirty politician is guilty of collusion cohesion and obstruction of justice there's many more felonies he's guilty of that I do not even know how to define and he has the audacity to call the woman that he's attacking a puta now let's take a good look at the mantality level of this Congress man should he really be a member of Congress of course we can see his bad behavior he makes it quite public when he's calling an attorney arrogant the claiming that he's going to cause a riot Congressman Castro knows all about riots because when this nation is informed what he has done to me for several years and the crimes he has committed and the pain that he has caused my three small children I promise you there will be a riot you want to talk about arrogance while you go right ahead because you are an authority on the subject matter. How sick a man must be to instruct someone to take me out of the country into a third world country where I will be stuck

  5. I'd like someone to explain to me why Chief McManus is still sending his police officers at me why I've had so many of them on me just today why it is that when I went to City Hall today there was a security guard giving me a hard time to feet away from me staring me down why is it still happening
