It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, November 30, 2018


You just remember this live television broadcast of standing behind the crimes committed by Chief McManus and although your micro Expressions said you didn't really want to you made the decision to stand behind the criminal you knew the crimes that he had committed and you knew that he would keep committing crimes and you decided along with the rest of city council to stand behind the monster and allow him to stay in position and continue to commit crimes major serious crimes you can blame others for what's happening to you now however the fact that you decided to stand behind the chief you decided to collude with him and the Castro Brothers you decided to hide his crimes and the Castro Brothers crimes you made these decisions and you ruined your life and the lives of your family at some point you're going to have to be a grown up and owned the decisions that you made.
if those decisions weren't bad enough you decided to go on and commit serious crimes of your own you don't just hack into someones phone and tell yourself it's all right because you're defending yourself it's illegal these are owned Technologies and you don't own them.

Mr. Mayor I think it's the right thing to do to break the news to your wife now because if you wait too much longer she's going to be taken by complete surprise when first your hauled off out of your office and second agents and operatives show up at your home to collect all of your electronics which will become evidence in a major case against you as they're searching your home and she's standing there crying beside herself wondering what it is you've done, it will be horrific for her. do you really want to do that to her why don't you just go ahead and tell her now tell her what is coming tell her the storm that is about to happen she needs to prepare emotionally physically mentally and she deserves to know. have a little respect for your family and tell them all of the horrific things that you have done in the last 13 months to attack an innocent woman who was a victim of an sapd sociopathic officer trying to take her life and you decided to take her home and throw her under the bus forcing her on the streets attempted to starve her to death attempting to cause her death by exhaustion. Tell her; you had staff call behavioral health the day she stood there with you and I asked to speak to you? And of course that incident means she will be brought in has a witness. What goes on in your head? 
You need to stop and think about other people I know that it must be hard for you because this is a foreign concept to you your actions have proven this. you need to try to understand all of the emotions that your wife will be experiencing when everything is presented in a court of law when messages from you to common criminals are presented with you instructing criminals to sexually assault me. this is going to be devastating news for your wife and son to learn about. Try to imagine them learning about your dirty deeds in the privacy of your own home. You should have enough love and respect for your wife to allow her to go through the grieving process in the privacy of your home instead of having to grieve in front of the entire nation in a court of law.

you just don't have any brain at all do you for example do you think about anybody but yourself all these crimes that you have committed in the fact that you're going to prison do you understand what you're doing to him. He is now the child of the mare very soon he's going to be the child of the mayor who is impeached the child of the mayor who went to prison for serious felonies dozens of them he's going to be known as the child who has a sociopathic father and a mother fighting for her children.
Your child will be known for the fact that his father is a sociopath a criminal a convict sitting in prison he'll have to go to school and grow and his father won't be there because his father was so selfish so narcissistic that he thought he could commit major felonies and get away with it and because his father was so arrogant so narcissistic he thought he could get away with the crimes how more selfish could you get people who know that you attempted my life you put me on the streets and you wanted me to die out here this little boy is going to be judged for your crimes and if that isn't bad enough he's no longer going to have a father around because his father was so sick he couldn't do his job without committing serious crimes he had no integrity no morals no compassion no respect for human life people are going to look at your son and they are going to judge him according to the crimes that you have committed I can't think of any thing that is more selfish than that not for a minute did you think what you were doing to your child committing these crimes that you're committing you have just ruined his life

august 22nd
The other thing that the minion told me today that he was obviously instructed to tell me by the sociopathic mare was this kind of thing happens all the time you're not special this is not a unique case these kind of things happen all the time oh really Mayor Nirenberg are you that sick that you think mares across this country are attacking mother's fighting for their children???
Do you think that in other cities Mariners call up the businesses and ask have their employees follow stalk and harass individuals that they are personally attacking do you really think that well that explains why you keep doing it
Do you really think that there are mares across this nation that go ahead and hack into people's phones unlawful e those are owned Technologies and you don't want them you understand what that means don't you do understand what the Privacy Act of 1974 is did you pass Law School or did you cheat your way through that too because you sure are cheating your way through being a mare you're not the one running this city you're faking and cheating your way through you know how many times I've listened to your speeches and heard my own words which indicates that you are spending way too much time in my phone listening to me a man of your intellect of your station of your education and your using my words????

Oh I know that you think that you are so clever so brilliant I saw that when you were laughing in my face you find it hilarious that I haven't been able to be with my children the last 4 years that the Castro Brothers have been committing serious crimes against me for 5 years and the last 13 months you have been committing serious crimes and you are so full of yourself because you think you are invincible and that you're not going to be brought to Justice and why do you think that because you think the Castro brothers are Almighty and all-powerful so why don't you take a look Cohen who is now going to prison I can bet that he thought he was invincible and above the law just as you do after all he represented the president of the United States and you don't.
So you go right ahead and be arrogant and be your nurse assistant self you keep sending these people to follow me you keep sending these police officers to harass me and it's all coming around in the end honey because Cohen was not invincible and you are not invincible

august 22 minion
And how sick do you think mayor Ron Nuremberg is because I've got something for you today he sent a minion persuading me to stop fighting for my children stop fighting. Fighting to stay alive
Dominion was instructed to tell me that at the rate I'm going I'm not going to see my children again until they're adults so I might as well just give up I might as well stop fighting to be with my children as well just stop everything I'm doing right now that's how sick the marriage you think I'm going to stop because you're holding my children hostage and you won't let them have their mother I'll be fighting harder and thank you for reminding me of how long I've been without my children because you're a sociopathic Criminal a Monster who doesn't give a crap about the well-being of three small children because your agenda saving your hide and cover your crimes is more important than the safety and well-being of three small children you're willing to sacrifice their childhood so you can be mayor and commit crimes of the same time so you can be a criminal and run this city like a mobster who cares about three small children who cares if they don't have their mother

  • neeringdawnThis man has half the nation watching and seeing everything he has already done and he still doesn't have enough sense to rectify this situation and rather than rectifying
  • neeringdawnRather than rectifying the situation he is committing more crimes
I am very concerned lay prove who have no legal back ground can see this man's antics shouldn't hold up in a court of law but he can't see it and doesn't understand the gravity of the crimes he commiting I am genuinely concerned somebody needs to get him to the hospital for a cat scan before he is to far gone to save.He has such a grandiose sense of self he keeps communicating and colluding with Russian spies with the thought process he will never caught and he doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on what treason is and serious it is.
This man needs serious help something is going wrong in his head perhaps he has already had a mild stroke which induced severe dementia this doesn't make any sense how just keeps doing it and he can't seem to stop himself.

August 3rd

  • neeringdawnI was handing out flyers in San Antonio a week ago the mayor was in a panic and was sending officers to throw me in jail. I was not soliciting it is merely freedom of speech I did a lot of research and it did not violate penal codes. Then an agent made the statement it is a matter of opinion and up to a judge. Apparently Ron Nirenberg thinks his opinion supersedes all judges..
    Let's see if the senators that flew into San Antonio one week ago feel your opinion about law is really that special.
  • neeringdawnIf the mayor wasn't guilty of anything he wouldn't be so worried about the fliers guilt

Thursday, November 8, 2018


I sent out a hundred texts concerning all these assholes colluding with Russians beforer they hacked into the secure network of san antonio college and shut down my twitter. Nov. 08 2018