It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 14, 2024


a farm in town by that name or something close to you the more on it is perfect he has a full beard and mustache full head of hair and he likes to stick his strange tongue when people's mouth closes today I've been conversation with. there where the motorbike that was trying to pass through the area because of construction. it went through the barn was a livestock run display and had a small brown dog that was staring them down the brown dog is a huge problem. you better get out of the tablet. man claiming Dylan the property has been killing people mostly women at the park there's a tool that's covered up the back 40 I wonder what's in the pool? there's dirt trails on the property and there's a big sign welcome to this town or whatever that's on his property he claims that people on the highway can see the sign that's why the sign is there the dirt trails don't actually lead to the town. they were dead ends. it was raining then it wasn't. someone in a black passenger van that looks like Donna was using autopilot for the van, pretty scary autopilot put them over the yellow double line because it was raining severaly and the puddles no longer looked like the road auto pilot put them in the middle of the road and they nearly died traffic from oppisite direction honking beeping and could barely get threw. she insisted the auto pilot was best way the small town they were headed to had no hotels they had to go to neighoring town. they were going to the farm with rapist pervert killing women then that cold heartless man screamed i had to get new sheets because your dead!!! it was directly after that moron was calling me lazy and his dirt was on display. you people have no secrets i told you. Saturday night Ninos restaurant had a birthday party it was all the morons attacking me. m. opened the window in the room and there was a lot of rape of women. no matter who screamed at the moron it did not stop there were couple of sovereigns and a grey that looked like zander haley could someone check guest sheet and cameras still having problems with the idiot.

Because the idiots in my house following me across country

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weary travelers

iin every city that I go to I either find it an apartment a townhouse or a condo and she's living there. she's traveling just like all of us but she's more special than we are and our us tax dollars are paying for a townhouse condo or apartment in every single City that we go to. no she's loud often she's always yelling and it's a nuisance it's not only a nuisance for me everybody else has to hear it too nobody is happy with the way that she treats her team or she treats her opposition constantly yelling and screaming. everybody was so interested to know why she's getting a condo apartment or townhouse in every single City they were asking her how much it cost to move her furniture she announced I don't move my furniture I just buy new furniture in every city we go to. so she gets real furniture and you get motel rooms in the hotel rooms. she gets to set up house and have a kitchen to cook in and you're in a hotel motel going out to eat every evening I don't believe that the vouchers you receiving from the FBI every time we go to a city is covering all of your meals but she's not hurting at all. and she's constantly yelling and screaming about whether or not I have $1 it's getting on everybody's nerves. she never talks to anybody with any kind of kindness she never says that a boy or that a girl there is no positive reinforcement. there's just constant problems that other people have to clean up for her she's the one creating the problem but everybody has to come in and do the cleanup. and that's what I mean when I say the CIA doesn't know how to take people out of a leadership position that are not equipped to deal with the leadership position they have no leadership skills. the CIA should take these individuals out of their position they should be fired suspended and some of them should be imprisoned like this woman. mmany of the individuals that are helping and working under her actually do have an education they have found over the course of time that they are doing the exact same job that she is doing and not receiving the pay that she receives. some of them are doing the dirty work and they're getting out beating their feet and she never does that. some people have to work undercover as homeless and literally lay on a sidewalk and you'll never see this woman doing that. some of them have found out that even as a citizen based agent they are doing the work of agents and operatives in this circus they call an investigation. as you can imagine this is creating disdain anger and other emotions that will only build up over time and she will have a large group of people that will not support her or help her they will turn on her because she doesn't know how to treat people right.

Michigan city dive hotels

the guy in the brown cart hard hoodie claim to be a manager of the hotel I was asking the price I was actually staying at a shelter but when they brought all the minions in they put them at all the dive hotels they filled all of them. this man said it was $50 a night I'm sure it was cheaper than that because it was that disgusting it didn't even reach code and you have all your citizen based agent staying there. you always find the cheapest places possible to put them and you are supposed to be frugal while you're doing an investigation you call this and investigation as you get all of these individuals to chase me across the country and then instruct them to drive past me over and over again and strike them to go pick up my envelopes when I drop it off with City officials and elected officials. you instruct them to rip flyers often poles the moment that I put them up and in every city you find the absolute most cheapest hotels not caring about their health and well-being not caring about whatever life they left to do favors for you the jobs they had the SSI that they had these are the ones that don't receive a paycheck but they do receive travel expenses and room and board. you know you're wrong you know that they're supposed to be paid. yes and they are starting to hate on all of those individuals that are especially picked or especially picked to go work at expensive hotels or to stay at expensive hotels they are seeing that they are doing the same job as any agent but they don't make 110,000 annually they're not making any money at all. aat this point I'm not the only weary traveler. I'm sure everybody who's been on vacation or had to travel for work knows how hard it is on your system your body getting used to a new city every two months sometimes less I had these individuals driving across the country and I would only stop for one night sometimes two nights. so they become weary travelers just like me this is hard on the body it's hard on the family. they're becoming weary travelers they're becoming angry and filled with resentment. as you continue to create these emotions in your citizen-based agents it's likely that they will turn on you and provide testimony.

Tick tock cop wife in Michigan City

we've been calling her Denise I don't really know what her name is. her and her husband have YouTube tic tac videos tick tock videos of her splatting things on his head and him splatting things on her head it's so cute. these two individuals bring their daughter with them when they follow me across the country that's very upsetting let's go ahead and teach our children how to be sociopaths terrorizing somebody chasing them down accessing their bank account hurting them. this woman has been using my phone numbers and my emails and my bank account she goes shopping with my bank account trying to make everybody in Texas believe that I have access to my bank account and that they didn't really shut it down and take it from me so she's duping everybody in Texas who is screaming and yelling give her bank account. so as she goes shopping with my bank account using my phone number attached to it and sometimes her name will show up because those agents that work against her are smarter and more skilled than she is. she continuously goes and buys herself the most extravagant clothing at the most expensive stores that I don't go to. then she convinces Texas see she has her bank account she has her bank account meanwhile I'm laying on the street starving because I don't have access to my bank account when this piece of crap is using my bank account to go by yourself new lingerie. this nasty woman and her husband also followed me into Florida and she was hyper about taking me shopping using up all my money and then saying there no bus pass you don't get a bus pass we don't want you in South Beach seeing everybody and we don't want them learning the truth that we've been attacking and innocent woman who is not a threat to national security but this international spy is most definitely a threat to national security she's a threat to humanity and I'm sick of her mouth and I'm sick of her rapist husband get him away from me

Teenage prodigy I confuse with Veronica

in one of the screenshots you will see a YouTube channel for Mr ballin, that is the man that made a video about the woman in the picture. I don't know which name she's using now. she's been a part of this for a long time and in the video of her fake death you will hear them say that she was locking herself in a room to work on a masterpiece that's going to change the world that masterpiece that she was working on is me. and most days I feel that she doesn't want me to change the world and she wants it to stay the same it doesn't matter if you stop me or not this is it it's going to change. the harvest will happen and days are here you can stop me you can stab me you can do whatever you want stomp all over me but the harvest happens and the world that we live in will change.

Edmund ruffin trying to be a smooth operator

I just had to listen to his mouth again not very happy about it pointing out all the wrong things that he has done I'm not really sure if this is the guy that decided to rewrite the definition of a rule 20.01 it might be though he argued that he must be smart because he rewrote the definition for rule 20.01. that's not smart that's illegal. sso this man continuously tries to be a smooth operator and as we watch him struggle through these attempts it is quite entertaining he contradicts himself when he's trying to lie and trying to look smooth. this is the individual who wants to play The Wave game like a boat ride and you're hitting the waves and you go up high and then you crash down go up high and crash down. he's playing a boat ride we're on a boat with this guy. he thinks that he's going to get me all excited that I'm getting my bank account back and I'm winning some justice finally and then a couple of days later I didn't get the bank account back and I got some Asian woman on the phone pretending to be customer service so he thinks he's building me up for this fall but why would anybody listen to this guy and get excited about something he says is happening? then he will play games with his little pet bug eyes that follows him around and pants like a little puppy. and his goofy little bug eyes buddy will tell me that he's got clothes for me ask me what size I wear tell me he's got shoes for me asking me what size I wear then the next time I see him oh I couldn't get the clothes; oh I don't care. so as I said as we watch these individuals trying to be smooth and trying to play a game that they never win it's quite entertaining but they're in the way and they are obstacles they're in everybody's way not just mine I hope all of you see this.